



I am a French expat passionate about travel, ocean conservation, education and sailing. My first book was inspired by a family sailing journey and environmental actions mainly in the Mediterranean sea.


With my husband and my daughter then aged 3, we started sailing in Malta and later in nearby islands… We also travelled and lived on different continents making it hard for our friends and families to keep up with us, especially while at sea. This is during our time sailing and embracing slow travel that I really felt the closest to the environment and the vulnerability of our planet.


In my blog I share information about family travel, sailing, ocean conservation and world schooling. I lived in different countries, travelled about 50 countries for leisure and work. These experiences really enriched my personal life and gave me a better understanding of the world.


I would like my stories to be meaningful to you and maybe I am holding the secret ambition to inspire future scientists and green leaders the planet needs to recover.





Creations shape the new myths and desires for the future. So embracing creative projects is now my way to contribute to a regenerative economy. 


In 2021, I co-created a home decor collection made of natural materials and up-cycled fabrics with marine debris.  The sales fund an official partnership with Big Blue Ocean Clean-up and other environmental actions.

After over 80 years of chemical pollution, we are truly raising the generation which can shape a more sustainable planet. We want to read to the children and nourish their minds, show them the beauty of the wildlife and make them feel empowered to change what is not acceptable.





Island Cruising Family blog focuses on slow travel and world schooling.


With the pandemic crisis and the subsequent collapse of the tourism industry in 2020, we even questioned further the way we were consuming travels. 

How much do we really want to see ? Is it about going through 20 countries in a year or rather enjoy for 2 or 6 months of a local experience supporting environmental projects? 


Inventing a new path redesigning family travel lifestyle is necessary to create a new meaning to travel.

To me and my family, boat life was a teacher, slow living, awareness of the resources, water, energy, electrical appliances, self-sustainability was key. It is not an easy life everyday, lots of work, going back to the basics but also offering the most incredible and genuine encounters with wildlife and people.




Over the years, my life has changed from big city-dweller to islander (very far from my Parisian roots). In the meantime I have about 15 years of expatriation in different countries between Europe, the Middle East and the Carribean.


Evolving between expats, sailors and world schoolers’ bubbles, I started to think of the island as a metaphor : a place of disruption, where free from cultural heritages we could see emerging new cultural postures.


Travelling and meeting eclectic communities of families, schools and educators, I am interested in new values around quality of life, culture and ecology. Especially, in how to convey the knowledge to our children to help them thrive in a world with ecologic challenges.


I hope my writings will be useful resources to build ‘your island’.

island cruising family